I have replaced the very basic bespoke blog I developed in ASP.NET and the phpBB forum solely with wordpress.

The reason for doing this is that I generally blog more and have less need for bespoke pages.

Main reasons why I picked wordpress:

  • It’s Open Source
  • I like the community
  • The plugins are rich and plentiful
  • Very easy to customise and change even at the code level
  • A simple UI handles plugins installation and upgrades automatically
  • The widgets are great

I have migrated as much of my old blog content as I can automatically and the rest I will get round to doing manually.

As you will know my phpBB installation was hit by multiple spam bots. I won’t be mirgrating any of the content, instead I will be working most of the Apollo support content into better guides.

I’m now using the WP-Forum wordpress plugin, this we give you basic forum functionality, which will allow us to collaborate and support Apollo.  Of course you now can now post comments to any of my blog posts too.